Donation Center

We are pleased to receive donations in kind and material at the headquarters of the Association or on our bank accounts following:

     al Rajhi  IBAN: SA2480000314608010238062   


    al Ahli IBAN: SA8010000010403939000102   


  • By donating cash or in kind at the Assembly.
  • Using deposit in the accounts of the Assembly.


How to deposit through ATM:

  • Enter your card and select the language and enter your PIN.
  • From the Options menu, choose Convert.
  • Select the type of conversion (in the same bank account)
  • Limit the amount.
  • Enter your account number and Assembly according to the list in the account numbers.
  • Screen will appear in front of you in the confirmation of the name of the association and the account number and the amount you want to convert.
  • Click on Yes to the process is done successfully.
How to donate by phone banking:
  • Call Telephone Bank.
  • Follow the instructions within the phone directory.
  • Choose a property transfer from the account in the same bank account.
  • Account Number Converter chose him and then chose the account number of the transferee by the list.
  • Enter the amount you want to convert, and then press a button box (#).
  • To confirm the operation press the number (1).


How to donate using the Internet:
  • Enter on the Bank site using the list in the account numbers.
  • Choose online banking and then press enter.
  • Added new beneficiaries account to add to the list of beneficiaries assembly.
  • Activate the beneficiary.
  • Select the bank and then the name of the association and then enter the amount you want to donate.
  • Click OK to complete the process.